

– Pigisråd –

Om man vill förbättra sitt spelande är det viktigt att tänka på följande:

  • Att spela pingis utan att behärska den grundläggande tekniken är som att bygga hus utan grund. Därför bör bordtennistränaren lära alla, framförallt unga spelare, ”bordtennis-alfabetet”.

  • En bra bordtennisspelare träffar bollen rätt och i rätt ögonblick.

  • Det är viktigt att hitta sin egen spelstil. Man bör eftersträva att hitta den själv eftersom ingen annan kan göra det bättre.

  • Det är misstagen som avgör vinnaren i matchen och inte vem som gjort det största antalet mest attraktiva poängen.

  • Att bli en bra spelare innebär träning, träning och åter träning.

  • Att identifiera motståndarens svagheter är och har alltid varit en viktig del av bordtennisens strategi.

  • En toppspelare utför sina bästa slag ännu bättre i kritiska situationer!!!!

  • Låt inte motståndaren spela matchen som passar honom/henne bäst.

  • Kom ihåg att man alltid lär sig mer från förlorade matcher än från vunna!

  • Glöm aldrig att bordtennisnätet är högre än vad man tror!

  • Framför allt se till att returnera bollen!

  • Ping-pong bollen gör ingenting utan direktiv från spelaren!

  • Den som tar initiativet i spelet får en fördel och vinner förmodligen också.

  • I bordtennis är fullständig harmoni och samspel mellan huvud och kropp avgörande.

  • Hemligheten med att förbättra sitt bordtennisspel är att ständigt tillgodogöra sig mer kunskap, både teoretiskt och praktiskt.

  • Försök förbättra sitt egna bordtennisspel genom att träna med ”bra” spelare.

  • Visa respekt för ditt bordtennisracket – det bär inte skulden till ditt eventuellt dåliga spel!

på engelska

  • Table Tennis is part play part fight involving two players, with the table tennis arena for a stage.

  • The are three stages in table tennis. The first is practising, the second is consolidating what you have learned, the third is making perfect.

  • We get out of table tennis what we put into it. That is the first thing each table tennis beginner should know. In a table tennis match it is the mistakes that decide who will be a winner. not who has the most points.

  • Do not change the tactics that have led you to victory, but do change the strategy that has led you to defeat.

  • Complete concentration is important in a match, but it is not the most important element of the game with. Evenly matched practitioners is what matters – and ensures victory is that extra bit of total concentration.

  • In a duel between two table tennis players, the ball is the third pait of the match. What matters crucially is whether this vital table tennis accessory will be on your side or your opponent’s.

  • It is not the table tennis bat that misses the ball, it is the table tennis player that misses the stroke!

  • In a match never surrender, however hopeless your position. As long as the match is going on, there is a chance for victory until the very last point.

  • If a young player is five minutes late for a scheduled training session, he will never become a great table tennis player.

  • A lot of sacrifices are demanded by table tennis but one day you will get it all back – with interest!

  • During a match, forget the technique and concentrate on the tactics. You need to thing where you are sending the ball, not how.

  • Discovering the opponent’s weaknesses is and has always been an essential part of table tennis strategy.

  • It is in critical situations that a first-class player out performs his own best strokes. Most top table tennis players are physically fit, able and talented. What distinguishes them from each other is how they use what they have.

  • It is useful to learn from the world-class aces and to copy everything they do well. But it is much easier to note than to absorb.

  • The most important thing is to fight and give your all. Don’t worry about who is on opposite side of the table. You can win any match, but only if you fight with all your heart and mind.

  • Don’t believe your opponent when he or she tells you how good you are after defeating them. Nor are you as bad as you think you are after you have lost.

  • Isn’t it great how playing table tennis for an hour, you forget your problems? And how when you have finished the match, everything looks better and even the beer tastes better.

  • Always try and save the ball. Even when the ball looks hopeless. Go for it and try to return it. This determination should become second nature.

  • Table tennis is a sport for people of all ages provided they take their limitations into account. Therefore, you can play table tennis all your life provided you do it in the right doses.

  • If you really want to become a good player, then you need to like practising.

  • Every player has it in his power to concentrate; concentration depends on an individua´s willpower. Make yourself promise, that you will not be thinking of anything else except the game till the end of the match. Above all, don’t allow yourself to be distraeted at what goes on at other tables.

  • It is not advisable to watch an exciting match just before your own because it absorbs you emotionally.

  • The table tennis player is not a robot returning balls, but a person of flesh and blood with all the weaknesses of a normal human being.

  • Never allow yourself to go short on endurance. That every table tennis player’s strongest power which he absolutely has to have in a long five-games battle.

  • There is no such thing as a bad table tennis player: only some players are better than others. That is the difference.

  • Don’t ever try to repeat a stroke or point in exactly the same way.

  • An important point: don’t underrate the importance of good table tennis equipment. If you want to make progress in table tennis. do not try to save on the quality of bats, balls and shoes.

  • Don‘t look arround in a table tennis hall for known faces, Take a deep breath between points. look at the top of your shoes and concentrate on what is coming.

  • Your strokes are your weapons in the table tennis battle. The better the weapons, the greater the chance of victory.

  • But remember also that weapons alone never won a war. or a championship for that matter.

  • Try to remember: to lose 9:11 is worse than to lose 3:11 In the former case your abilities were almost identical to those of yours opponent, only you did not make that additional effort that would have turned defeat into victory.

  • Forget that your opponent is a friend of yours in your private life; in the table tennis hall he is your bitter opponent and during the play your only goal is to win.

  • It is essential not to shy away from performing a stroke, however difficult.

  • During the warm up. play all your strokes! Don’t worry that your opponent will discover them too early.

Table Tennis ABC

Books written by Zdenko Uzorinac